What happens when you quit smoking?

What happens when you quit smoking?
Photo by Markus Spiske / Unsplash

Your body will go through a ton of changes once you quit smoking. Let these encourage you to hit the following milestones.

After 20 minutes. Your pulse rate starts to slow down back to normal.

After 8 hours. Blood levels of that nasty carbon monoxide halves. Your oxygen levels start to improve too.

After 48 hours. You’ll lose your carbon monoxide. Not a bad thing. You can celebrate by enjoying your improving senses of smell and taste.

After 72 hours. Your breathing starts to feel easier, as your bronchial tubes relax. You’ll feel more energetic too.

After 2-12 weeks. Your circulation improves. Your muscles and internal organs will thank you for it.

After 3-9 months. You’ll notice improvement in any coughs, breathing issues or wheezes that you may have.

After 1 year. Your risk of a heart attack halves, compared with someone who’s still smoking!

After 10 years. Your risk of dying from lung cancer halves, compared with someone who’s still smoking!

So, what are you waiting for? Get your smoking cessation products now!